Hatha yoga - Yoga nidra - Restorative yoga
Yoga nidra
Hatha yoga
Hatha yoga
Rituel du cacao

Hatha Yoga
We use different sequences which combine breath and movement that will help you enter into a meditative state. In the class you will learn to listen to yourself and become mindful with every movement and breath you take. After a gentle warm up and some sequences including the sun salutations, we will do some asanas (stable postures), which are tailored to each individual's capabilities.
The classes are always different and include meditation, sun salutations, pranayama, (breathing exercises) and other different sequences. At the end of the class, we often do a yoga nidra, (explained below) or a relaxation to unwind and relax the whole body and mind.
This class lasts 1h 15 minutes
Yoga Nidra
Il s’agit d’un yoga sans postures qui se pratique allongé ou assis. Yoga nidra signifie « le yoga du sommeil éveillé », c’est une méditation, une pratique d’éveil à soi et de détente profonde du corps et de l’esprit. Durée minimum 20 minutes.
Les effets :
Dans un premier temps, la pratique conduit à des états de relaxation très profonde et amène à des états modifiés de la conscience.
Dans un deuxième temps, la pratique diminue l’encombrement mental et aborde la reconnaissance des schémas d’organisation de la pensée.
Dans un troisième temps, elle conduit vers des états de paix et de silence situés au-delà de nos facultés intellectuelles.

Restorative Yoga
The law of least effort
learning to meditate in the posture, which it will be hold from two to 15 minutes with the help of props.
You do not need to buy anything extra, you can do it with all you have at home coixins, blanquets, chair, book...but if you have a bolster then it is perfect.
This classes are very therapeutic working directly to our nervous system. They help us to relax in the posture and they are perfect to do when you feel tired, they will bring you a great boost